Worst Films Of The Past 20 Years


This ranking system is based purely on my opinions. This post is intended for debate and discussion, supporting your views with rhymes or reasons. One where we can share on social media together.

10. Speed 2

The first film was amazing and one that I extremely enjoyed.  However, this sequel was a bit of a damp squid (far-fetched water pun there).  So when something fast springs to mind, a speeding bus fits right? So what’s next…oh yeah, that well known incredibly speedy CRUISE SHIP…?!  A ship going 6 knots and the whole point of the film is that IT CANT SLOW DOWN…you’ll better off just jumping off board!

9. The Pink Panther 2

I enjoyed Pink Panther one, and purely as a guilty pleasure.  It had cheap gags and plenty of nostalgia.  Now to basically replicate that again once the surprise and jokes have run dry with predictability, is just plain foolish.  I don’t know what’s worse – this film or the fact that The Hangover II didn’t learn from it.

8. Year One

I’m not a fan of Jack Black so this probably dents my opinion of the film.  However, after much research, I saw that not many other people enjoyed this movie too.  Somehow, Michael Cera came through it unscathed and is developing a sturdy career (my suspicion though is that this film didn’t help him one bit!).  If you like poo jokes, gay jokes, Jewish jokes and anything else low brow, poorly thought of jokes, then this film is for you!

7. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

So…who wants to see more mindless action and destruction, combined with lack of plotline and wooden acting?? Me! Me! Me!…cried no-one.  Well if they did, it wasn’t coming from my direction that’s for sure.  I didn’t MIND the first one but in my opinion they should’ve stuck with just the one – however, if it makes money…flog it (looks like this will happen to 50 Shades of Grey despite not seeing it – with good reason).

6. The Last Airbender

Do you like plot-holes, bad acting and awful special effects that won the Razzies for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worse Supporting Actor?  The film had a budget of $150 million and only lasted 90 minutes – good and bad.  Good – only 90 minutes of hell endured.  Bad – imagine what we could have used with that money to have a better time!

5. Epic Movie

Everyone loves a parody right…with its originality…and unsaturated market of them.  Okay, maybe I should stop getting so sarcastic but did the writers truly believe this film would make money or entertain people.  We have had regurgitation after regurgitation of these type of films so save yourself the trouble and watch something decent like Scary Movie.

4. I Know Who Killed Me

Lindsay Lohan’s career hasn’t really panned out like she’d hoped, right? Well this did exactly help her progression of being a Hollywood A Lister.  This thriller lacks any thrill despite trying its hardest to thrill, yet producing nothing more than a shrug.  A nonsensical plot combined with awful special effects, this film is one to forget – unless you are in a Top 10 list of worst films in the past 20 years, of course!

3. Showgirls

This was supposed to be the film that meant that Elizabeth Berkley would be taken seriously, after starring in Saved by the Bell for many years.  Unfortunately, all we got was a version of a low rate Moulin Rouge with little class that was a career graveyard for most of the actors and actresses in it.  It even won the Razzies Worst Picture of the Decade gong!  This is impressive considering the competition it had to beat off…

2. United Passions

This film was more of a propaganda for FIFA than a film.  I am still flabbergasted that Tim Roth accepted the role of Sepp Blatter.  FIFA – a recently exposed but with a long time suspicion of bribery and corruption, is a football organisation struggling to reclaim any sense of respect.  It was a box office bomb, becoming the lowest-grossing North American film of all time.  The irony runs thick throughout, trying to portray FIFA as a non-corrupt organisation – soon followed by the now famous investigation…

  1. The Love Guru

I actually paid money to see this in the cinema! Money. Pounds. Actual real money.  I wasn’t a big fan of Mike Myers but I had seen most of the films out at the time and thought I’d give this a crack – I was in need of a good laugh.  Problem is, I came out of the cinema still needing to fulfil this ‘good laugh’.  Instead I found his character and the film as a whole, unoriginal, offensive and just plain unfunny.  Personally, this film confirmed to me what I thought of Myer’s back catalogue – not funny.  And unfortunately for him, I think this film killed his career.


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2 thoughts on “Worst Films Of The Past 20 Years

  1. I think Transformers: Age of Extinction was more of a let down than Revenge of the Fallen.

    Epic Movie, Date Movie. Superhero Movie…All these parody movies just fall flat on their face. Gone are the good ol days of great parodies like Hot Shots and The Naked Gun. It’s to bad really.

    Mike Myers was kind of a one trick pony. Although, I do love Waynes World 1 and 2 but that is mainly because of Dana Carvey as Garth.

    Nice list, keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

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